Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

After 15 amazing months living in New York City I have moved west to the mecca of technology, San Francisco. It was definitely sad to say goodbye to a city I’ve grown to love and my exit was much earlier than I had anticipated but I was presented with an opportunity in San Francisco that I just couldn’t say no to.

Big thanks to everyone at Fi who I worked with. They truly are a talented bunch and I learnt more working there than I could have imagined! Special mention to Kris Hedstrom and Erik Kallevig for being awesome mentors when I arrived. Working on the relaunch of USA Today was definitely a highlight for me and a site I’m still very proud to say I worked on.

I won’t go into too much detail about my new role here. It’s a front end developer gig. That’s all I’ll say for now. I’m really excited to be in a city that breathes technology and I really hope to keep learning and growing as a developer here.

If you’re based in San Francisco and know any good tech meetups I should go along to please send me an email and let me know!